The Sample Gallery

The Sample Gallery

The "Livingmurals" Sample Gallery

is a collection of

Hand Painted Decorative Faux Finish Samples

painted on 8x10 canvas paper.   

There are more than 150 Samples

in the collection.  

From these Samples,

many creative ideas are born!  

Request An Estimate to view the

Entire Sample Collection.

Crackle Specialty Paint Finish

Custom Faux Finish Samples

Decorative Faux Finishes Promise Timeless Beauty for years to come.  


Custom Finishes to include crackling, combing, color washing, sponging, strie, ragging, marbling,

and stripes, require perfect drywall work and three coats of paint in preparation. During this process the layers of paint build to create a durable even sheen that can withstand the hand painted techniques applied on the base coat surface. The base coat has to be "washable" to maintain a quality finish with equal properties.  

 Venetian Plaster, Sand wash, and Bellagio Faux products require attention to detail in drywall preparation

for uniformity in the finish as well.  Professionally painted finishes are not applied to "hide the flaws" on walls.

They are designed and created to illuminate your living space by accentuating the walls.  

This being said, flaws have a tendency to "stand out" more when emphasized by painted finishes and preparation is always the most important step in faux finishing regardless of the

products used to create them.

 "Livingmurals" Faux Finish Samples are only produced when a monetary commitment to the work is made. The custom samples for each finish are based on your preferred products, color choices and finish techniques. They remain the property of "Livingmurals" and are added to the"Sample Gallery" when the project is completed. There is no additional charge for the samples nor the time involved in creating and presenting them for approval.  

 When you have already bought the paint to do your faux finish yourself and it didn't turn out quite the way you expected it to don't hesitate to call "Livingmurals".  

Often the process looks easier to

accomplish than it actually is.